Guiding and supporting you in creating a healthy sleep routine for your little one…

So that everyone gets a good night’s sleep

Their bodies need the routine to regulate day and night hormone cycles, and their hearts and minds need the predictability to feel secure.
— Kim West

Leaving hospital with a new born baby is the most exciting, terrifying and overwhelming time. All you want to do is protect this tiny, vulnerable little bundle and get everything right. The problem is you often don’t have any idea how to start. You have read all the books about pregnancy and birth, but now you have your little one in your arms, what next? You may have even read a few parenting books during pregnancy, the problem is before you had a baby it was hard to relate, and now you have one, you are too exhausted to remember what was in the book, never mind having the time to read another one! 


I truly believe there is a science to baby’s sleep, and certainly in the first 2 years, their sleep needs are all relatively similar. By sticking with age-appropriate awake windows and preventing overtiredness, you can have a happy and content little baby. I also believe that with the right information you can instill good sleep habits from the start and prevent any sleep crises further down the line.  


Babies love predictability and a pattern to their day. Knowing how your day is going to run also helps you get your life back and make plans again. With the right knowledge comes great freedom. People often associate having a routine as being stuck and ridged. I believe the complete opposite, if you understand how babies sleep works and can plan around it, you have the ultimate freedom and a happy baby at the end of the day.   

After a good night’s sleep, you feel like a new person and can parent better. Sleep deprivation is a huge factor in postnatal depression and marital pressure after having a baby. You don’t need to suffer, with the right information, help and guidance, even the worse sleep situations can be turned around pretty quickly.  

-- Louise Murray --

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“Junk food is bad for the body. Junk sleep is bad for the brain”

— Dr Marc Weissbulth.

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+254 (0)790 486 298